Empowering Creators 

with Financial Solution


We make Global Creator Marketing Faster and Easier.

BYAHT connects creators with companies.

We find outstanding creators from various countries to help businesses maximize their brand value.

Collabo Cases

Collabo Cases/month




BYAHT Creators' ROAS




We have successfully completed a total of 1000 cases in collaboration with approximately 25 brands.

Collaboration Cases

K-Beauty, Fashion, Travel and Etc.

Travel Tech

B2G Ministry of Agriculture, Creator Tour Project 

B2G Ministry of Agriculture, 

Creator Tour Project

Southeast Asia PoC / Google Korea

Google Korea Vietnam PoC

Conducted PMF PoC in Vietnam for excellent companies selected for 'Window' program

Shopee / Review setting

Agency for entry into Shopee, the largest shopping mall in Southeast Asia Review setting for initial first sale

Ongridients, Natural Shine, Coloverlab

SNS(FB,IG,TikTok) / Global SNS Building

Marketing basis for settling in overseas markets SNS page construction in progress

Homenay, Uptempo Global


Delivering the Vibrant Media Coverage of BYAHT

The Ventures, Investment in BYAHT
The Ventures, a specialized early-stage investment firm, announced its investment in BYAHT, which operates the creator-focused alternative credit evaluation solution 'Glow.B'.
The Ventures Invests in Creator-Focused Alternative Credit Evaluation Solution 'Glow.B'
'Glow.B' evaluates the value of creators' digital assets using artificial intelligence (AI) to determine credit. It features a proprietary system that...
2024.7.25 Hankuk Economy
Startup World Cup VN TOP 30 (2024)
Byaht was selected as one of the 30 finalists at the Vietnam Startup World Cup (the largest startup event in Vietnam).

I would say YES, if you're with us.

We make Global Creator Marketing

Faster and Easier.

BYAHT connects international creators with companies. 
We find outstanding creators from various countries to help businesses maximize their brand value.

Average Collaborations/month

56 +

Collaboration Cases

2,000 +

KOC/KOL/Reviewers (VN)


BYAHT Creators' ROAS



We have successfully completed a total of 1000 cases in collaboration with approximately 25 brands.

Collaboration Cases

K-Beauty, Fashion, Travel and Etc.

Travel Tech

Southeast Asia PoC / Google Korea

B2G Ministry of Agriculture, Creator Tour Project 

Conducting FAM tours for creators from Southeast Asia,

and promoting overseas SNS for local tourism

Google Korea Vietnam PoC

Conducted PMF PoC in Vietnam for excellent companies selected for 'Window' program

Shopee / Review setting

SNS(FB,IG,Tiktok) Build-up

Agency for entry into Shopee, the largest shopping mall in Southeast Asia Review setting for initial first sale

Marketing basis for settling in overseas markets SNS page construction in progress

Ongredients, Natural Shine, Daymellow + 25 brands

Homenay, Uptempo Global, etc,.

Want to make your brand shine brighter? Join us now and start a successful collaboration.


Delivering the Vibrant Media Coverage of BYAHT

The Ventures, Investment in BYAHT
The Ventures, a specialized early-stage investment firm, announced its investment in BYAHT, which operates the creator-focused alternative credit evaluation solution 'Glow.B'.

Venturesquare, 2024.07.25

The Ventures Invests in Creator-Focused Alternative Credit Evaluation Solution 'Glow.B'
'Glow.B' evaluates the value of creators' digital assets using artificial intelligence (AI) to determine credit. It features a proprietary system that...

Asia Economy, 2024.07.25

Startup World Cup VN TOP 30 ('24)
Byaht was selected as one of the 30 finalists at the Vietnam Startup World Cup (the largest startup event in Vietnam).


Want to make your brand shine brighter? 

Join us now and start a successful collaboration.